Okay, so I often consider myself to be a bit of a conspiracy theorist when it comes to the government. So, I just want to rant for a moment.
This has all come up because of a recent debate that I had where I found myself defending my generation, better known as Generation “Y”. Apparently, my generation is viewed as the slacker nation among our parents, and grandparents. I feel like the below statements have a lot to do with this image of our young people. I grew up hearing stories from my parents & grandparents of how “Old America” used to be. Unfortunately, my generation no longer has the opportunities that were once available to our parents and grandparents. Big companies are outsourcing, and the ones that do remain in the States go to “temp agencies” for their hiring process, therefore the company itself is not responsible for providing the benefits that would normally be available to full time and long term employees. I feel like our government has taken many of the simplicities away from us, since the “War on Drugs” began in the Nixon years. (Let me remind you, over 40 years ago!) I honestly feel like this is when America began fading away. However, I will also say that I feel like we are under the same scrutiny that the hippie era experienced. No matter whether you agree or disagree… I think we can all agree that, We Need a Revolution to end the Vicious Cycle!
So here goes the ranting!
Am I the only one that sees our government as a tool to corrupt peoples lives, as well as our economy? Particularly when it comes to drugs, jails, and institutions. For instance, a person with addiction problems… It has been proven that addiction, no matter in what form (i.e. drugs, hoarding, games, eating, etc) is a disease that must be treated. The solution is not to jail and institutionalize these people. If the government must get involved, I think they should focus more on the recovery process rather than the alternative prescription med solution, which is obviously creating more addicts! I feel like we are being forced by our government to take “their” medications, which in my opinion are some of the worst drugs out there. Why is a drug only safe or unsafe because our government says so? It has been proven time after time that FDA approved drugs can be far more fatal, and addicting than many street level drugs. And this so called “War on Drugs” has been going strong for 40+ years… Are we any closer to solving the problem? NO, we are not! We have more addicts today than ever. It seems our government is only “ok” with us using FDA regulated prescription meds. I also feel like this is part of the plan. People think that if the government tells you it is okay to take it- well then it must be good. We take prescription drugs for one ailment; the side effects will cause another ailment- hence, another drug to take… and so on and on it goes. (Vicious Cycle!)
Many people end up in our jails & prisons, or mental hospitals, and treatment facilities- most of which are state and/or federally funded; taking a tremendous toll on our budgeting crisis that is already in effect. Not to mention it ties up our court systems for more threatening cases that should have top priority. Once a case enters the court systems, lawyers get involved- money, money, money… but it’s all coming from the people’s pocket and going into the governments’. Then, the people are labeled via their criminal records- making it impossible to work for a decent company. Therefore, no medical benefits or retirement plans are available to that person. (Not that many companies offer such benefits anymore, anyway) In my opinion this only will lead them to depending on the government for support. (Vicious Cycle!)
Jails and institutions are only breeding grounds for addiction and mental illnesses. Meanwhile, our school systems, our economy, and jobs are on a constant decline. Also keep in mind that if addicts are jailed, their addiction (no matter if they do overcome it) will follow them around for the rest of their lives making it nearly impossible to remove themselves from the vicious cycle of addiction. I feel like this has had a negative impact on our unemployment statistics as well. Once you’re in the “system”- it’s nearly impossible to get a job, forcing those people into lower positions, which put them in a lower demographic, where their addictions are constantly haunting them. Many of these people also receive government benefits, in the form of disability checks, welfare, and/or food stamps which obviously negatively affects our economy if we have too many capable people receiving these benefits. A surplus of government handouts only keeps people from trying to improve their lives. Why would they want to try and do better? They live better off government benefits than they would if they took a job making minimum wage. The sad part about it is many people, who are addicts (even if it is prescription meds) spend the only money they have to buy their medications. (Vicious Cycle!)
Another biggie is government funded treatment facilities. I’m mainly emphasizing on the Meth epidemic that has swept our country. Our government’s solution was to open clinics and provide, for a small fee, a daily dose of Methadone. This is NO BETTER than meth itself. People are just as addicted to Methadone as they are the opiates that they’re trying to kick in the first place. They also experience many of the painful effects trying to come off of Methadone as they do heroin, meth, etc. This is just a prime example of the government control, and the effects of brainwashing. (Simply a Vicious Cycle!)
Cristie Clark
This has all come up because of a recent debate that I had where I found myself defending my generation, better known as Generation “Y”. Apparently, my generation is viewed as the slacker nation among our parents, and grandparents. I feel like the below statements have a lot to do with this image of our young people. I grew up hearing stories from my parents & grandparents of how “Old America” used to be. Unfortunately, my generation no longer has the opportunities that were once available to our parents and grandparents. Big companies are outsourcing, and the ones that do remain in the States go to “temp agencies” for their hiring process, therefore the company itself is not responsible for providing the benefits that would normally be available to full time and long term employees. I feel like our government has taken many of the simplicities away from us, since the “War on Drugs” began in the Nixon years. (Let me remind you, over 40 years ago!) I honestly feel like this is when America began fading away. However, I will also say that I feel like we are under the same scrutiny that the hippie era experienced. No matter whether you agree or disagree… I think we can all agree that, We Need a Revolution to end the Vicious Cycle!
So here goes the ranting!
Am I the only one that sees our government as a tool to corrupt peoples lives, as well as our economy? Particularly when it comes to drugs, jails, and institutions. For instance, a person with addiction problems… It has been proven that addiction, no matter in what form (i.e. drugs, hoarding, games, eating, etc) is a disease that must be treated. The solution is not to jail and institutionalize these people. If the government must get involved, I think they should focus more on the recovery process rather than the alternative prescription med solution, which is obviously creating more addicts! I feel like we are being forced by our government to take “their” medications, which in my opinion are some of the worst drugs out there. Why is a drug only safe or unsafe because our government says so? It has been proven time after time that FDA approved drugs can be far more fatal, and addicting than many street level drugs. And this so called “War on Drugs” has been going strong for 40+ years… Are we any closer to solving the problem? NO, we are not! We have more addicts today than ever. It seems our government is only “ok” with us using FDA regulated prescription meds. I also feel like this is part of the plan. People think that if the government tells you it is okay to take it- well then it must be good. We take prescription drugs for one ailment; the side effects will cause another ailment- hence, another drug to take… and so on and on it goes. (Vicious Cycle!)
Many people end up in our jails & prisons, or mental hospitals, and treatment facilities- most of which are state and/or federally funded; taking a tremendous toll on our budgeting crisis that is already in effect. Not to mention it ties up our court systems for more threatening cases that should have top priority. Once a case enters the court systems, lawyers get involved- money, money, money… but it’s all coming from the people’s pocket and going into the governments’. Then, the people are labeled via their criminal records- making it impossible to work for a decent company. Therefore, no medical benefits or retirement plans are available to that person. (Not that many companies offer such benefits anymore, anyway) In my opinion this only will lead them to depending on the government for support. (Vicious Cycle!)
Jails and institutions are only breeding grounds for addiction and mental illnesses. Meanwhile, our school systems, our economy, and jobs are on a constant decline. Also keep in mind that if addicts are jailed, their addiction (no matter if they do overcome it) will follow them around for the rest of their lives making it nearly impossible to remove themselves from the vicious cycle of addiction. I feel like this has had a negative impact on our unemployment statistics as well. Once you’re in the “system”- it’s nearly impossible to get a job, forcing those people into lower positions, which put them in a lower demographic, where their addictions are constantly haunting them. Many of these people also receive government benefits, in the form of disability checks, welfare, and/or food stamps which obviously negatively affects our economy if we have too many capable people receiving these benefits. A surplus of government handouts only keeps people from trying to improve their lives. Why would they want to try and do better? They live better off government benefits than they would if they took a job making minimum wage. The sad part about it is many people, who are addicts (even if it is prescription meds) spend the only money they have to buy their medications. (Vicious Cycle!)
Another biggie is government funded treatment facilities. I’m mainly emphasizing on the Meth epidemic that has swept our country. Our government’s solution was to open clinics and provide, for a small fee, a daily dose of Methadone. This is NO BETTER than meth itself. People are just as addicted to Methadone as they are the opiates that they’re trying to kick in the first place. They also experience many of the painful effects trying to come off of Methadone as they do heroin, meth, etc. This is just a prime example of the government control, and the effects of brainwashing. (Simply a Vicious Cycle!)
Cristie Clark
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